Are We There Yet?

I just posted the first of a series of extras for Running for Home. It’s only on FFn right now. I’ll post it here once I figure out how I want to set it up.


The minute Bella leaves I feel guilty. I should have just drove her to the store. It would have taken less than 15 minutes and I could have waited in the car. I hope she doesn’t get lost.

Oh, well. There’s nothing I can do about it now. Lying here on my couch does feel really fucking good. I’m almost asleep when my cell phone rings. I groan and dig it out of my pocket. The area code isn’t familiar. My finger hovers over the power button briefly before deciding to answer it.

“Hello?” I say groggily.

“Um, hello. My name is Alice and I’m looking for Bella Swan. She called me from this number a few days ago.”

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