Fandom for Preemies

Welp, I wrote a one-shot for Fandom for Preemies. I was on the fence about participating as an author for a while for two reasons:
1) I feel like a one-shot without a lemon is like lemonade without sugar, and something about the subject matter of FfP made me feel uncomfortable about submitting (hehe) something dirty.
B) It made me feel slightly narcissistic to write something that people had to pay for (donate, pay, it’s all the same in the end). It’s not like anyone would donate just because little ol’ me submitted something. That’s what big name authors are for.
But then I thought, “Why the hell not?” I was writing a one-shot anyway, why not submit it to the compilation? It’s for a good cause. And maybe no one will donate because of me, but maybe people will donate because there are over 100 others like me. It’s rated T. *shockgaspwhat* I know, I know—blasphemous. It’s Edward x Bella and slightly bittersweet with a promise of a HEA.
The rules state that I can’t post the story until after December 15, 2010. I will most likely post it here, but I’m not sure about FFn yet. Maybe I’ll leave it as something special for the donators and the 3.2 people who visit my blog in any given month.
Here’s a tantalizing little teaser:

Edward Cullen looked at the clock. It was almost noon. He had a little over an hour before his wife would show up. With a sigh, he sat back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling.
The phone on his desk chimed before a voice came over the speaker.
“Mr. Cullen? A Miss Swan is here to see you.”
“Miss Swan?” he scoffed. “Send her in.”
Shit, he thought to himself. What rotten timing.
Frantically, he cleared off his desk. Notes and stray papers were tossed into drawers. What remained of his half-eaten lunch was thrown into the garbage can. He quickly wiped the crumbs and dust off his desk, not wanting to look like a slob. Last but not least, he removed the three pictures of his wife from around his office and hastily stashed them in a cabinet.
Mary October 18, 2010 at 5:22 pm
I really do love those blue roses in the background.
Also… BNA weren’t always BNA. Shame on you for thinking you shouldn’t donate because you’re not one. Hmpf. You know my thoughts on that.
IBDamon October 18, 2010 at 5:26 pm
OMG.. Please tell me you’re going to post a link to this oneshot?
I would love to read more…
ooza October 18, 2010 at 8:57 pm
@Mary I know. I am bad.
@IBD I’ll post it after Dec 15. If you donate to FFP you’ll get the compilation in Nov. The minimum donation is $5. :)