Here in the Garden of Sin Chapter 2

I got a lot of really great reactions from chapter one. Thank you so much to everyone who read, and a super-big-thank-you to everyone who reviewed, whether here, TWCS, or FFn. I hope chapter two exceeds your expectations!

“I’m perfectly capable of doing this myself, Carlisle. You’re not the only one with a medical background,” Edward spat as he wrapped the girl’s ribs with a bandage.
“I know you’re capable, Son, but you haven’t fed. You’ve already lost control—”
“I’m fine,” he hissed through clenched teeth. He couldn’t afford small talk. The breath he had been holding since Carlisle convinced him to bring the girl back to their house for treatment was running out. “Just leave the blood and go.”
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ooza | FanFiction | TWCS
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