Here in the Garden of Sin Chapter 3

Thanks to everyone who’s reading, leaving reviews, and pimping me out. There’s been an overall positive response to the story so far. It gives me warm fuzzies. <3 If you'd be so kind to leave a review, it would really make my day. You can do it at the end of the chapter on this site, FanFiction, or TWCS. Don't make me beg because I totally will and it was surprisingly effective the last time I did it. Also, there are still lots of things to be explained (we are only on chapter 3 after all), but if you're really confused about something, please ask! Without further ado, here is chapter 3:

Bella tried to stay awake, but stress and exhaustion finally got the best of her. She slept restlessly, her dreams plagued by things that happened in the woods and probably some things that didn’t. In her dreams, Esme and the other girl attempted to save her, but every time they tried, Edward would appear out of nowhere and kill them both. She always woke up right before he attacked her.
Bella felt crazy; the things her mind conjured up were outrageous. It was probably a combination of fear and the fact that something about Edward felt wrong, inhuman even. It didn’t help that every time she opened her eyes he was there. Sometimes he stared at her with curiosity, sometimes with anger, but his black eyes were always upon her. He never moved from her side.
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ooza | FanFiction | TWCS
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