Here in the Garden of Sin Chapter 4

I really enjoyed the responses to chapter 3. It amused me that people were more concerned about what happened to Edward at the end then they were about Bella. Looks like I know who everyone’s favorite character is!
Here is chapter 4. I hope you enjoy it. Please leave a review. :D

Edward flew out of his room and down the stairs, stopping only half-way down. He was angry at himself, at his lack of control, his weakness. He was disgusted at his behavior. Ashamed. Repulsed. He could have killed her.
She could have died.
“Carlisle!” he called out.
It was Alice who appeared in front of him. “Carlisle’s hunting.” She regarded Edward carefully. He looked upset, confused, unhinged. Then she caught a whiff of the blood. “Edward! God, I hate not being able to see your future. I wouldn’t have left the room if I knew you were going to lose it,” she snapped.
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