HitGoS rec’d by The Fellowsheep of the Peen

Here in the Garden of Sin was rec’d over at The Fellowsheep of the Peen (wordybitches.com). IdreamofEddy did a wonderful write up of it. Geez, it even makes me want to read!
I went looking for some Edward/Bella nookie, and I stumbled upon this little story in progress. Here in the Garden of Sin is only four chapters in; and it grabs you from the first chapter. But such is the case with Darkward, or Prickward. There’s a certain element to be appreciated inside this fic and that’s what ooza’s done with the characters and her plot. Edward is a selfish prick. Bella’s snarky, and she’s got some fight. She’s also got some pretty hefty control over Edward, or maybe not. This story starts with Edward driving Alice to her first day at Washington State University. Alice is going to college by herself; the rest of the family is off doing their own things.
Add in Bella Swan: College student. Smells real good and has a real nifty gift for silencing Edward’s mind. She somehow strips him of his power; and he can’t hear anyone. Edward snatches her up, bites her, breaks a few bones, takes her home and puts her back together, bites her again, and…well, we’re waiting to find out.
I love the little nuances inside this story, and there’s quite a few. In the beginning of this story, Edward is taking a mental break away from society and the ‘human facade’. He’s tired of being something he’s not. He’s tired being human. And really, he has every reason to be.
And the beauty of this story is Edward’s characterization and his loss of his gift; and how that effects him. It effects him in both positive and negative ways. He’s a little irrational; he’s a little cold, and he’s being very, very, selfish. *Sigh* I love selfish Edward….
But there is no denying it, he’s somewhat of a jerk. It seems he feeds off Bella’s fear somewhat at first; antagonizes and intimidates her to feed his need for control.
There’s just so many creative nuances and twists inside this story already, that you can help but wonder what’s going to come next. The story is in 3rd person; and the author writes very well. Go read it, you won’t be sorry you did.
You can view the full post at wordybitches.com
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