New one-shot: Adore, Adore

A few weeks ago, Sandy asked me to write another one-shot for SFFR for a feature called Tantalizing Tuesday. Every Tuesday she will be posting a lemony one-shot by a different author. Once again, her only requirement for these stories is that they must include penetration. (Okay, so obviously she asked a lot of people, but sometimes a girl just wants to feel special.)
Not gonna lie, at first I was like “fuuuuck” because . . . well, there’s a laundry list of reasons. I had no lemony tricks up my sleeve, I was falling behind on HitGoS, I was outlining the story expansion of A Night of Firsts, I had 10 more TT25 prompts to finish, my inbox was full of updates for the WIPs I’m reading, I still hadn’t read the completed fics that I’d already started and vowed to finish once they were complete, and lettuce not forget that pesky little thing called real life. (I still haven’t gotten around to any of those, btw.)
But it was one of those opportunities that I just could not pass up! And Sandy is so sweet. I would give her the shirt off my back if she needed it. Besides, if I said no, she’d probably find a way to talk me into it.
So I said yes.
She gave me two weeks.
I gave her roughly 7500 words of pure smut.
I call it smut because that’s exactly what it is. If you’re looking for something romantic and heartwarming, this is not it. That’s not to say it has heart fail. It doesn’t. There just aren’t any I Love You’s or other things like that. But there is a lot of penetration and dirty talking. And when you get to the last scene . . . yeah, I went there.
To those whom I haven’t scared away, Adore, Adore will be posted here and on FFn eventually, but until then, head over to Southern Fan Fiction Review and check it out. :)
This story was written for the sole purpose of smut. Dirty, dirty smut. The sexual acts that take place occur between two consenting adults. These are not, by any means, safe guidelines for any sexual encounter. If any of they events/circumstances in this story offend you, please stop reading.
. . .
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