Story Rec: Dead on My Feet

Recovering from a serious illness, Edward knows what it is to be invisible but obvious to everyone around him. Bella, who has watched a loved one die of protracted illness, understands the tightrope-act of life on the edge. Full summary inside.
Twilight – Rated: M – English – Angst/Drama – Chapters: 36 – Words: 317,031 – Reviews: 9140 – Published: 5-29-10 – Edward & Bella – Complete
It’s not every day that I come across a story that I absolutely can’t stop reading, but Dead on My Feet by Cesca Marie is definitely one of them.
I know I’m late to jump on the bandwagon with this one, but I’m trying to hold off on the WIPs for the time being. Especially with angsty stories. I love the angst as long as I don’t have to deal with epic cliff hangers. Suffice to say, I’m glad I waited for this one to finish because I don’t think I could have handled waiting for updates, and so far I’m only on chapter 15.
I’ve stayed up the past two nights until 3 AM reading. I read at the gas station. I read at work. I read at the dentist’s office. I read while on the elliptical. (Buying an ereader for the sole purpose of having fics on the go was my best investment of 2010.) I can not put this story down or get it out of my head.
This story seems to embrace so many things I love to read about when it comes to fics, the main one being that Edward is far from perfect. He had cancer but is in remission. He’s skeletally thin. He’s hairless. People are afraid of his disease. He’s self-conscious. He’s lonely. He can’t get it up. The author is not afraid to make his character hurt, and hurt he does.
Bella is a breath of fresh air from her usual character as well. She has a sharp tongue. She’s not a pushover. She’s well aware of what is healthy for her mind and makes choices based on that. She isn’t clingy; in fact, when Edward starts to become dependent and possessive, she nips it in the bud right away.
Their banter—the entire dynamic of their relationship, actually—is so intriguing. It’s hard to explain, but it’s resembles a love hate relationship. The POV flip flops between Bella and Edward, but both characters are well developed and completely different. They make me laugh, they make me angry, they make my heart clench.
I don’t know what’s up with Jake yet. I want to hate him, because that’s what is ingrained in my head, but I’m having a hard time doing so. Which makes me feel weird. I don’t like it. LOL
If all goes as planned, I’ll finish reading by the end of the week. I probably will because I can’t bring myself to do anything else!
Go read if you haven’t!
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