{update} Inside Man Chapter 20

Author’s note:
Here is a brief summary of the common information I dug up about visiting prisoners. Keep in mind that jails/state prisons/federal prisons all operate differently.
Before someone can visit a prisoner, they have to be on that person’s approved visitor list. The inmate is responsible for maintaining the list.
The next step in visiting a prisoner is to make an appointment. This is an issue in itself as the phone line is only open for a few hours a day. Many people have to call over and over again because the line is busy. When they do get through, the next available timeslot could still be weeks out, and even then it’s not guaranteed. The prison could be on lock down that day, or the inmate may have had visiting priviledges revoked for behavioral issues. It is up to the visitor to call that day and confirm the visit. Also, the inmate could be moved to a during the interum, which apparently happens quite a bit.
On the visitation day, the visitor must fill out paper work, show identification, and go through a security check much like at an airport. Many prisons don’t allow shoes, jackets, or sweatshirts to be worn inside. Bags and purses are checked at the door. There are different rules on what can be brought inside. Some prisons allow items like photos but do not allow anything to be left with the prisoner. Many allow a certain dollar amount of quarters for vending machines that are inside the visiting room, or they may provide a vending machine debit card. There are even rules on what you can wear (clothing, jewelry, etc.).
If the visit is a contact visit, the visitor is assigned a table and waits for the inmate to be brought into the room. Most of the rules I found stated that brief contact (a hug, a kiss) was allowed at the beginning and end of the visit. Hand holding is allowed at some institutions as long as it is in plain sight. Some also allow small children to be held during the entire visit. Visits can last anywhere from 20 minutes to a few hours, depending on the prison and the security risk/earned privledges of the inmate.
Tashia June 27, 2011 at 12:32 am
Great chapter. Very emotional for both of them. Was there any dialogue between them? or was the dialogue just unimportant at this time? I love how you’re writing this story. I’m so fascinated by it. I assume the letters will continue and E will get the results of his parole. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting anxiously dying to know where you’re going to take us next. Thank you for taking the time to write/update. Until next time…
ooza June 27, 2011 at 8:21 am
Everything that was said between them was written. They spent most of the time in silence.
@nanalla I think she meant dialogue as in actual conversation, not what went unsaid. ;)
nanalla June 27, 2011 at 5:02 am
Oh Ooza.. you rendered me speechless. just AMAZING!
@Tashia : .”Was there any dialogue between them? or was the dialogue just unimportant at this time?”
Are you kidding me?! :)
There were so many words not spoken out loud, but you could hear them so clear.
That fisical contact spoke volumes about this two. Wouldn’t you call that a “dialogue” ?! I do.
Edward reaction says so much more than any words put together.
IMO was pure perfection.
Tashia June 27, 2011 at 6:27 am
You’re completely right and I agree with you 100%… I just wondered if there was anything other than what was written. Because IMO what was written was perfect. I was just trying to get a complete picture. …that’s all.
nanalla June 27, 2011 at 6:34 am
maybe I didn’t understand correctly your question then..
I am happy we agree tho :o)
And it’s so cool to be able to talk about this fic with someone. I truly need a thread for this story.. my emotions and thoughts are all bottled up..I need release LOL!
Tashia June 27, 2011 at 8:40 am
I KNOW!!!! I love this story and I have so much anxiety over ….everything! This is unlike ANYTHING I’ve read in FF and I’ve read A LOT! I’ve favorited over 150 stories but I’ve never come close to something like this. ooza has done a phenomenal job with this, thus far. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
ooza June 27, 2011 at 8:46 am
Aww you guise *blush*
nanalla June 27, 2011 at 8:47 am
*high five* Tashia girl! come and find me on twitter (I go by the same name) so maybe we can talk/hug/share this passion we have in common ;o)
nanalla June 27, 2011 at 8:51 am
..and you Ooza baby stop that blushing and get my man out of that jail! LOL ! <3 #nopressureatall #TeamFreeEdward
Tashia June 27, 2011 at 8:53 am
Slim2None June 27, 2011 at 10:50 am
Thanks for the informative a/n. My imagination was way off. I pictured them in a small room sitting across from each other with a plexiglass partition and having to speak through a phone. But you’re way is SOOOO much better because they actually got to TOUCH! (warm fuzzies!!)
Another brilliant chapter! Thanks for taking time to update in the midst of a busy time for you. I, for one, am totally appreciative! Can’t wait to see where you’ll take them next.
Erimas June 27, 2011 at 11:26 am
Just read the “visit” and I am simply staggered by how touching it was…and without much dialogue! How do you do that?? It was just so very very sweet and tender and sad and it made me cry and and and …it was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ecullen'sgirl June 27, 2011 at 11:36 am
@nanalla – I love your #TeamFreeEdward – have you made this into a banner?
Erimas June 27, 2011 at 11:41 am
@ecullen’sgirl, @nanalla – I soooo agree! I love #TeamFreeEdward too – and a banner would be great! :)
Sandy June 27, 2011 at 2:45 pm
I was completely with Slim2None, I thought they would be behind glass talking on a phone. I also agree that there should be a thread for this story. Every time ooza updates I wanna talk about it.
I THOUGHT the touching was a bit surprising. I mean, put yourself in Bella’s shoes…did you expect him to touch her THAT MUCH? I mean, I know it’s Edward and all, but if he were a real convict, weather guilty or not, would you expect him to touch you THAT MUCH the very first time you met him?
I can’t wait for him to get out of jail so they can be “real friends” #FreeTeamEdward!!
nanalla June 27, 2011 at 2:48 pm
@ecullen @erimas welcome to #TeamFreeEdward !! The more the merrier :o)
There is a beautiful banner already for this story.
Maybe you mean one with that logo?! If so, I’ll make one ..and some funfetti frosting too to share..
..as long as someone opens a thread..Pretty Please. :D
Sandy June 27, 2011 at 2:51 pm
Begins chant *thread* *thread**thread*….
ooza June 27, 2011 at 2:53 pm
There is a thread, sillies! Geez, check the blog. ;)
nanalla June 27, 2011 at 4:01 pm