Not Really New Story and Other Updates
*blows off dust*
Long time, no hello! Actually it’s been over five years. A LOT has happened since 2016, lawd. I bet a lot of you are like, dafuq is this email in my inbox? Who is this bish and how did she get my contact info? Hey, you asked for this. You may not remember, but you did!
We won’t get into the last five years of my life. I’m sure you’ve all had a time of it, and I hope you’re doing well!
I jumped back into the fandom last year. I was surprised to find it still going strong, and it’s a great escape from real life lately. Coming back was like a warm hug from an old friend—needed and very much missed.
Last year I finished AB Negative. Now I’m about 2/3 of the way through another vamp fic called My Brother’s Pet Vampire. It’s silly and scary and funny and serious and an all around good time IMO. Give it a try if you’re looking for new fic to read. And if you’re already reading, thank you. Hi. ILY.
Blogs aren’t the most popular things anymore, and there’s way more convenient ways of staying connected, like Facebook or Twitter. And if you didn’t already know, I’m on both of those. Come be my friend.
Vania Vioto Pires July 26, 2022 at 6:20 am
Hi! I’m reading and enjoying My Pet Vampire. Funny how things change in 5 yrs…Instagram and Twitter are The Thing, the world turned upside down, and I feel like Edward – 109 years old.
ooza July 26, 2022 at 10:33 am
SAME. I feel like I added 109 years over the last 5!