AB Negative
Since making their species known, vampires have been met with varying degrees of acceptance. Bella just wants to meet one. When Edward opens up to her, their relationship takes a turn neither expected. But there are unknown dangers in a world where humans and vampires struggle to coexist, and it isn’t always clear who the enemy is.
The premise for AB Negative was based on what would happen if vampires decided to make themselves known, à la True Blood. But these vamps are a little bit different from canon, and it doesn’t follow the traditional characterization. The story is told using a combination of newspaper articles and Bella’s point-of-view.
Edward shifted, the stool making a creaking noise under his weight. I ignored him as I made a note on the syllabus. He sniffed a couple times. I wrote it off as the remnants of a summer cold. When he inhaled inches from my face, I jumped, yelping in surprise. He was right there. His deep green eyes entranced me. I couldn’t look away, even as self-consciousness colored my cheeks. My heart pounded, as if telling me to run, but I couldn’t move.
AB Negative was the story that almost never got finished. I took a brief hiatus from the fandom, lost my muse and all motivation to write. Let’s just say I went through some major life changes. When I was finally ready to come back years later, I knew I couldn’t continue writing with this story left unfinished, so I hunkered down during COVID, pulled out my old notes, and gave her the ending she deserved. Maybe not the one she deserved. But I gave her an ending. And sometimes that’s all one can ask for.
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- Published: 01 November 2015
- Completed: 18 February 2021
- Words: 45,300
- Reviews: 1,400+