Running for Home
After a lifetime of feeling out of place, Edward is told his entire past was a fabrication. On his journey to uncover the truth he meets Bella, a young woman who is neglecting all responsibility for the first time in her life. Will these two strangers help each other discover who they really are? Road trip!
Running for Home was the first multi-chapter story I wrote, and probably the first time in my life that I finished something I started. She’s a little rough around the edges, but I’m proud of her, nonetheless.
“Is it all right if we share a room? It’s got two beds.”
I nod my answer, feeling a little anxious about sharing a motel room with a complete stranger. I did want to do something wild, crazy, and stupid, right? This probably falls under all three of those categories.
Running for Home was nominated for both Best Romance Story and Best Drama Story in the 2011 Sunflower Awards. Sadly, it didn’t place in either.
Outtakes from Are We There Yet? are now included at the end of Running for Home.
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- Published: 4 March 2010
- Completed: 14 September 2010
- Words: 110,200
- Reviews: 1,500+