TT25: Round 6 Drabbles
So I was doing some last minute spring cleaning and I found some old drabbles from The Twilight 25: Round…
TT25 Round 6 Flashback
As I was sorting through some old files tonight, I stumbled upon some drabbles I’d written for Round 6 of…
The Twilight 25 Round 7
Sign-ups for Round 7 opened yesterday. This round is going to be fun! The prompts are something we haven’t done…

The Twilight Twenty-Five
I have exciting news! Queenofgrey was kind enough to allow me to take over administering The Twilight Twenty-Five challenge, and…

TT25: Photo 13, Simple, Ripple, Quixotic, Wander
We walked until the canopy of trees opened, revealing the cloud-covered sky. I sank to the ground and pulled Bella…
TT25: Damp, Defile, Collapse, Surface, Demure
Damp Bella tossed and turned in bed as I watched from the windowsill. The sheets tangled around her legs as…

TT25: Elixir, Push, Hollow, Photo 7, Trap
Elixir Bella can taste the venom in his kiss. It is sweet and tingly, and her heart beats faster with…

TT25: Photo 19, Stolen, Feign, Acquiesce, Return
She slept with her head resting on my shoulder. My hand was wedged between her knees. If she noticed how…

TT25: Bliss, Under, Stagger, Photo 1, Photo 25
Bliss Her scent assaulted me as she slept. She was dreaming about me; I could tell by the words that…
The Twilight 25 Round 4
I’m at it again! Not quite sure what I was thinking when I signed up for round four of The…